Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Morning Girls Week 5, 6 & 7

Hello Friends,

My apologies for allowing much time to past since my last post.
I am currently on my last week (8) of GMG and I realized that I have not gave my reflections for the past 3 weeks.

Week 5 we read through Col 2:16-23 & 3:1-6, week 6 Col 3:7-14 and week 7 Col 3:15-25.
The overall theme for me in week 5 was Col 3:1-4. I believe it should be every believers aim, daily to set our minds and affections on heavenly things and not on earthly things. Personally this has really been my aim lately, to be eternal minded. To live according to the Spirit and not my flesh.

Week 6 we were instructed how we ought to clothe ourselves. Take off sin and put on the spirit.
v7-8 in ch 3 explains how we onced lived and how we ought not live any longer. Then we're instructed, as God's chosen ones, to put on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, patience, forgiveness, and above all Love.

Week 7, I would have to say that v 17 struck me harder than the other verses I read that week. It reminded me of how little I do, do everything for the Lord. I'm also reading AW Tozer's The Crucified Life and there is a chapter that speaks on having a secular mind for doing regular task and your spiritual mind...but that even in doing what we call mundane, insignificant tasks we ought to do so for Glory of God. We no longer need to operate in a secular mind but do all things spiritually. Even something as small as brushing your teeth. Do all things for His Glory giving thanks in Christ Jesus.

Lord willing I will be posting my final reflection for this study next week. I've enjoyed going through Colossians so much. It has given me much strength.

Grace & Peace.