Thursday, September 27, 2012

What's God's will for you?

For this is the will of God, your sanctification. 1 Thessalonians 4:3
   -J.C. Ryle

What is sanctification? To set apart for sacred use. To make holy; purify.  In Greek, it’s Hagiazo. It pretty much means the same thing in English: to consecrate, dedicate, purify.

This is what the Christians life’s journey is all about, sanctification.
In any and all circumstances we should be mindful and even somewhat tremble as God is doing his work in us.

In the midst of my study this morning, part of James 1:27 came to mind… “to keep oneself unstained from the world.” I pondered on that for a while and then I began to cross reference. Along the way I stumbled upon “For this is the will of God, your sanctification”.

Did I already know this? Yes, but it was different reading it on the page today. It seemed so clear and distinct. So simple.

How often is knowing the will of God complicated? The idea and truth of it has often been twisted and complicated. I know it to be used often for people’s own personal fleshly benefit more so than spiritual. Indeed sanctification comes through life experience and the Lord may use something earthly like marriage or parenthood (which is a benefit so to speak to our flesh) to sanctify us. However when we look for God’s will to be of some worldly gain, we’ve missed it.

Nothing matters more to the Holy Spirit; than that God’s elect is fruitful.

Oh Heavens, Hear my voice
Wash my tainted heart
You are faithful and true
Make me more like You.  

P.S. I have much more to write to you about Jm 1:27, but later. Grace & Peace.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear Dispensationalist...

Continue to read the Bible wholly literal and continue to be literally confused.
Um, yea...that's all.

Easy Cream Cheese Brownies...Yum!

These are so easy and so De-lish!
Use whatever brownie mix you like the most and prepare it as instructed in the directions. Put brownie mix in pan of choice.
For the cream cheese mix, mix 8oz Philadelphia cream cheese at room temperature. 1 egg and 1/3 cup of white sugar. Blend with a mixer until smooth. Dollop the cream cheese on top of the prepared brownie mix and swirl with a butter knife.

Bake on heat specified on brownie box.
And WA-LA!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Potty Training Chloe...
Uh, this has been interesting to say the least. She is sort of getting it, I have to remind her often but I think that's understandable. She and I are very new at this. I mean I've never potty trained a kid before. I'm sure there is a technique to it, however I have chosen the route of discovering myself what works best for her. I don't feel like it's necessary to pressure her at 19 months. She has done really good yesterday and today though.

This is Chloe's lunch today. Just didn't feel like cooking...shoot me.

I return to work tomorrow...back to my part time schedule of 3 days a week. Grateful that I can help assist the needs of my family financially but its a bummer. I rather be at home with my kid. In due time.

In a real low key mood, will put her down for nap time after lunch. I think I will participate.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good Morning Girls Week 1

Little background. Good Morning Girls is an online based study for women. Each season we go through a book in the Bible verses by verse or a few verses at a time daily using the
S cripture.O bservation.A pplication.P rayer system. (Click HERE for more info.) I really enjoy it and we are currently going through the book of Colossians. This week we completed Chapter 1, verses 1-14.

My reflection for the week:

I love the most Paul's prayer for the church of Colossae. Vs 9-12 "And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints of light."

Amen Paul, Amen!
We ought not be ignorant children of God, but children of God that are filled with the knowledge of God and understanding His will. Bearing fruit with patience and joy so that we may be fully pleasing to our Father in Heaven. This is my aim! This is my desire.

Our work is never done being a student of God's word and when comes to my study I don't want to be slothful in zeal but fervent in Spirit.

Excited for week 2.

Friday, September 21, 2012

This baby is on my wishlist...

I wouldn’t say that I am an electronics buff, but I do like a new shiny gadget here and there. Computers are my fav! Probably because I work on them so much.
Isn’t she a BEAUT! All in one desktop, touch screen, sleek design, Intel Core i3, wireless keyboard and mouse. *Deep Sigh* Maybe she’ll end up in my home, maybe not. In the mean time, I like looking at her.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I would be considered a Calvinist...

This would be so because I hold fast to TULIP- Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. For further understanding and background about Calvinism please go HERE .
This doctrine has heavily helped my understanding concerning grace and soteriology.
The average Christian I would venture to say have not a clue that their belief falls under one of the two theologies, Calvinism or Arminianism. I would also venture to say that if many of us knew more about the history of Christianity, ie. the Reformation, quite possibly maybe more would have an interest in knowing and representing their theological stance. Since the time of the early church, disputing false teachers/ings, demon doctrines, etc. has been a topic of the Christian faith and has been violently defended by true saints of God. Dont get me wrong there are a vast amount of men and women who do care and are aware, but I would have to say there are just as many if not more who do not know.

I believe it to be the believers duty to grow in knowledge and wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to valiantly defend the word of truth.
In order to do so you must have a stance. What's yours?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yummy Fried Apples

This past Saturday I had an idea to make some fried apples and that's just what I did. I used 3 granny smiths and 2 golden delicious. 3/4 of salted butter in a frying pan, piled apples in pan and let it simmer. Then I added brown sugar, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. I seasoned to my taste. And wala....yummy fried apples.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

I sincerely enjoy reading blogs. I like to read some of what people think, I like to see other's creativity, I like to explore the blog-asphere to learn, to be inspired, sometimes just to get a good laugh.
I also enjoy writing. I like typing. I desire to share some of my life's story and be (hopefully) of use to someone else.
So here it is....My name is Nichelle and I'm 28 years old. Wife of 5 years and a momma of 19 months to date.
I am a born again believer. I was "introduced" to Jesus at a young age, faithful church goer but completely void of Spirit...spiritually dead. And not having a clue. It wasn't until a few years ago that now I can say "I'm born again"! Not because of some prayer that I said asking Jesus into my heart, but because the seed of His word quickened me, the Spirit of God made me alive and thus I had a heart to repent and believe. I'd have to say one of the biggest changes in my life now is that my desire is no longer my will but His will and for this, I am forever thankful and will proclaim His goodness. This has birthed my love for theology and my pursuit to rightfully divide the word of truth in complete accuracy.
Home, food and style is what I enjoy...the areas of life that I work my talents.
You'll get to hear and see way more about me and what I'm doing but you'll have to wait until later posts.

NC signing off.